The Australian Institute of Family Studies has conducted research into the costs of children. Pages found on the Institute’s website include:

Costs of children: research commissioned by the Ministerial Taskforce on Child Support, 2007 is a collection of three reports on the costs of children in Australian families. 

How do you find statistics in the Library?

Start with the Catalogue; use the All Fields menu and find 'Subject' in the drop down list. Type in your keywords.


Book sales  

Nielsen BookScan Australia, Australia’s leading book sales data monitor. Only subscribers can access this data online. A list of the current month's top ten titles is freely available from the website.

Better Reading publishes weekly bestseller lists sourced from Nielsen BookScan.

ABS Statistics:

Newspapers such as the Sydney Morning Herald and The Australian publish bestseller lists in their Saturday editions.

Market research

Market research reports and market sector statistics are generally only available from market research companies such as IBISWorld. Reports can be quite expensive to purchase, but they are very comprehensive.

If you're planning to start a new business or create a submission you may find the following Government websites useful:

Opinion polls may be useful in market research. Try:

  • AC Neilsen - reports may be downloaded or purchased
  • Roy Morgan - browse under 'Papers' or use the search field for polls

Some industry bodies also supply market sector information and statistics to members. 


Tourism statistics are available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website. For example, see Overseas Arrivals and Departures.

For international tourism statistics visit the World Tourism Organization website.

You can also search the Library's Catalogue for current and historical statistical publications. Examples for searches in the browse subject option are:


Australian Bureau of Statistics popular statistics Browse popular statistics based on ABS web analytics

Schools Australia Contains statistics for students, schools and staff


Crime - Statistics from the Australian Institute of Criminology

Health - Authoritative information and statistics from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Politics and Government - Federal elections - Statistics relating to past Federal elections

Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development - Aviation, infrastructure, maritime, rail, road and safety statistics

Philanthropy Australia - Statistics on charitable giving in Australia

Catalogue tips video

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