Fair for all

Large sporting events like the Commonwealth Games or the Olympics promote accessibility and equality for all players involved.

Have students play a game that involves the whole group and is known to the whole class (Dodgeball, Freeze Tag, Octopus Tag, etc.). After playing, have students debrief on the game:

  • How actively was everyone involved?
  • Were people doing nothing for long periods?
  • Was anyone at a disadvantage?

Based on this discussion, modify the game to ensure that all players:

  • have equal share of the play
  • can participate safely
  • have turns at playing different positions.

Discuss: Did the game allow individuals to be more involved? How did greater involvement make individuals feel?

Make a pitch

Have students identify a sport that they play or like that is not part of the Commonwealth or Olympic Games. Have students create a campaign or sales pitch as to why their chosen sport should be allowed into the games. Ask them to research and/or think about:

  • How are games selected?
  • What sports are allowed in the games?
  • Would their sport be practical to host?
  • Has it ever been included in the games?
  • What might be some reasons it’s not part of the games line-up?
  • Who would they have to campaign to have their sport recognised (IOC, AOC, Commonwealth Games Federation, etc.)?

Students could present their campaign as a flyer, poster, digital art or oral presentation. The class could vote or decide on one of the sports based on the presentations/campaigns created. Play that sport (if possible).

Track Record

Ask students to identify an athlete or sports person whom they admire or who they think has achieved great things in their chosen sport. Have students research that person and present a timeline of their involvement in the sport, including how the person got into the sport and what their training regime is like. Ask students to consider what the pros and cons of being an elite sports person are.