The Gull : a weekly newspaper published on board the 'Otago' during a four months' voyage from Glasgow to Brisbane

Cameron, Keith. and Otago (Ship).  The Gull : a weekly newspaper published on board the 'Otago' during a four months' voyage from Glasgow to Brisbane : Also containing a complete and truthful statement of the privations and negligences experienced by the emigrants on the voyage, likewise a description of the treatment shown towards the immigrants on the voyage likewise a description of the treatment shown towards the immigrants in the depot on their arrival here, and of the manner in which government inquiries are conducted. Woodcock, Powell & Mellefont, Brisbane 1884


In addition to its immigration indexes listed on this guide, the Queensland State Archives also provides the following guides to its passenger, immigration and shipping-related records:

The emigrants farewell

This page lists Queensland-related online, networked and microform resources as well as print publications available for use within the National Library of Australia.


Ancestry (Library Edition)

To access Ancestry (Library Edition), visit the eResources portal, click the Browse eResources tab and search for 'Ancestry'. The Library's subscription to Ancestry currently provides the following Queensland immigration and travel-related resources via its online database:

  • New South Wales, Australia, Assisted Immigrant Passenger Lists, 1828-1896
    Original data:
    • New South Wales Government. Wage agreements and entitlement certificates of persons on bounty ships (Agent's Immigrant Lists). Series 5315, Reels 2449-2456. State Records Authority of New South Wales, Kingswood, New South Wales.
    • New South Wales Government. Persons on bounty ships to Sydney, Newcastle, and Moreton Bay (Board’s Immigrant Lists). Series 5317, Reels 2458-2498. State Records Authority of New South Wales, Kingswood, New South Wales.
  • Queensland, Australia, Passenger Lists, 1848-1912
    Original data:
    • Queensland State Archives, Series ID 13086, Registers of Immigrant Ships' Arrivals, Rolls M471, M473, M1075, M1696–1710
  • Far North Queensland, Australia, Pioneers & Settlers Registers, 1825 -1920
    Original data:
    • Pioneers & Settlers Register Far North Queensland to 1920. Print Publication, 1 volume. Cairns and District Family History Society Inc., Cairns, Queensland, Australia
  • Maryborough, Queensland Australia Immigrants from the British Isles & Germany 1861-91
    Original data:
    • Queensland State Archives. 1861-91 Immigrants to Maryborough, Queensland, Australia. Queensland, Australia: Queensland, State Archives, 1861-1891

Findmypast (World Edition)

To access Findmypast (World Edition), visit the eResources portal, click the Browse eResources tab and search for 'Findmypast'. Findmypast currently has the following Queensland-related immigration and passenger resources available:

  • Queensland Assisted Immigration 1848-1912
  • Queensland Early Pioneers
  • Queensland Immigrants Nominated For Passage 1884-1907
  • Queensland Immigration Registers 1922-1940
  • Queensland Naturalisations 1851-1904
  • Queensland Nominated Immigrants 1908-1922
  • Queensland Passage Certificates 1887-1906
  • Queensland Passport Registers 1926-1939
  • Queensland Register Of Immigrants 1864-1878
  • Queensland Ship Deserters 1862-1911
  • Queensland, Brisbane Register Of Immigrants 1885-1917
  • Queensland, Maryborough Registers Of Rations Issued To Immigrants

State Records NSW

In addition to their records provided through Ancestry, State Records NSW also provides the following Queensland-related records and indexes online:

Queensland State Archives

The Queensland State Archives provides the following immigration indexes online:

  • Index to Assisted Immigration 1848-1912
    These registers contain passenger lists of immigrant ships arriving in Queensland. Details vary over time and between registers but include the names of ships, their dates of departure from European ports and arrival in Queensland ports, the tonnage etc of ships and names of masters, surgeons etc as well as the passenger lists, usually arranged by type of passage (eg free, assisted, remittance, bounty, steerage) or sometimes by type of immigrant (eg railway workers).
    Details for each entry for a passenger include the name, whether married or single, male or female and age, whether a child 1 - 12 or an infant. A summary of passenger totals, including births and deaths, may also be included.
  • Immigration 1922-1940
    This series consists of volumes of passenger lists of immigrant ships carrying passengers bound for Queensland. Each passenger list contains the ship's name, number, and date of departure and arrival. Passengers are listed by migrant type (for example civilian nominees, farm learners, domestics, agricultural settlers), then by name, age, male or female, married or single, juveniles 12 17 years or infants, occupation, nationality and religion. In the remarks column for each entry there is often a Queensland contact name or nominator as well as passage loan amounts.
  • Land orders 1861-1874
    This index was created from several series of records relating to land orders that were created by the Immigration Department.
  • Oronsay immigration 1925-1972
    The index was created from records relating to nominated and assisted immigrants who sailed for Queensland. The following details are recorded in the majority of the records included in the index: name, age, occupation, religion, nominator and nominator number; type of immigrant such as ex-service personnel, details of railway travel, address in Queensland or eventual destination may also be included.
  • Index to Passage Certificates 1887-1906
    This register, kept by the Sub-Immigration Agent, Warwick, records applications by sponsors of immigrants. Register details include date of application, names of applicant and nominee, amount paid for passage certificate, amount paid for outfit, total paid, receipt number, to whom the passage certificate forwarded, the date forwarded, date received, number, date delivered and remarks.
  • Index to Passport Register 1926-1939
    These Indexes record the names of Immigrants arriving into Queensland and their subsequent disembarkation from Queensland. The records were created by the Immigration Department. The two indexes are the Passport Clearance Register Index 1926-1935, and Index to Passport Receipts 1930-1939
  • Index to Register of immigrants 1864-1878
    This register contains details of applications for passage certificates for immigration, registered in Toowoomba. The date, name and age of immigrant, trade, where living (country of origin), amount paid, name of depositor and relevant remarks as to where living in the district are included in the details. Note the majority of Immigrants listed in this register originate from Ireland.
  • Registers of immigrants, Brisbane 1885-1917
    There are nine registers in this series. These registers record the arrival of immigrants per ship landed at the Immigration Depot at Brisbane. Details for each entry under the name of the ship and date of arrival could include the immigrant's name, age, married or single, trade or occupation, read, write, and religion, county or country of origin, date of departure from depot, whether under engagement, name and address of person by whom engaged, or their own private residence if they have one (not all possible entries were completed consistently).
  • Index to Australian South Sea Islanders 1867-1908
    This Index was compiled from a wide variety of sources including Immigration Department records, Inspectors of Pacific Islanders across Queensland, the Crown Solicitor’s Office and the Chief Secretary’s Department.
  • Indexes - Coloured Labour and Asiatic Aliens in Queensland 1913
    This index, arranged alphabetically, is a transcript of the original record and contains the names of non-British subjects who lived in various Queensland Police Districts including Townsville, Normanton, Roma, Rockhampton and Toowoomba in 1913. The original documentation refers to coloured labour and Asiatic aliens. Some of the included persons are described as: South Sea Islanders, Japanese, Chinese, Malay, Greek and Indian.

Networked resources

In addition to our subscription databases, the Library also provides access to the following networked CDROM resources:

  • Emigrants from Hamburg to Australasia 1850-1879
    This database provides an index to over 40,000 passengers departing from Hamburg for ports in Australia and New Zealand between 1850 and 1879. Additional information may be found in the original series of books on which this is based, compiled by Eric and Rosemary Koppitke between 1990 and 2006. The books are located in the Newspapers and Family History zone reference collection.

For more information about these resources, visit the eResources portal, click the Browse eResources tab and search for the name of the resource.

Microfilmed and other published resources

The following microfilmed products and published works are available on open access in the Newspapers and Family History zone:

Queensland Public Records Historical Resource Kit. Part 1

All of the following immigration-related resources provided as part of this kit can be located under the Call Number
mfm N 252.

NB: A partial index to these passenger lists can be found online (1848-1884, 1884-1912) and via eResources (1900-1915).

Title Reel Number(s)

Card Index to Immigrants

These cards form a complete alphabetical name index to the material below.

Note the reel and page no. (eg IMM 144) from the index and select appropriate reel from the drawer.

Reels A1-A55


Immigration Agent, Marlborough
  1. Amount of deposits received 1864-1883 (IMA 3/1)
  2. Butts of receipts for immigration deposits 1890-1905 (IMA 3/2)
  3. Lists of immigrations arriving 1871-1902 (IMA 3/4-IMA 3/9)
Reel M471
Immigration Department
Registers of immigrants per ship 1882-1902 Townsville
  • IMM/141-IMM/142
  • IMM/144-IMM/146
Reel M473
Office, Quarterly statements of receipts and expenditure 1865-1866
  • COL/A78 66/965
  • COL/A74 65/3468
  • COL/A83 66/2572
  • COL/A86 66/3485
Reel M1075
Immigration Department
Register of Migrants arriving 1848-1893
Reels M1696-1704
Immigration Department
Register of Migrants arriving 1886-1912
Reel M1705
Immigration Department
Register of Migrants arriving Oct 1883-1910
Reels M1706-1707
Immigration Department
  1. Register of Migrants arriving 1884-1911
  2. Immigration Agent, Rockhampton, Register of Immigrants 1884-1915
Reel M1708
Immigration Department
  1. Index to registers of immigrant ships 1848-1923
  2. Immigration Agent, Brisbane, Passenger Lists of immigrant ships 1913-1915
  3. Immigration Agent, Maryborough, Lists of immigrants arriving 1911-1915
  4. Register of prospective immigrants 1884-1896
Reel M1709
Immigration Agent, Bowen
  1. Register of engagement of migrants 1873-1885
  2. Lists and returns of migrants landed 1885-1896
  3. Colonial Secretary's Office, Passenger List 1863
  4. Passenger and crew lists 1860-1869
Reel M1710
The Young Australia times

Grimley, George. and Young Australia (Ship).  The Young Australia times : published on board the ship "Young Australia", Captain Charles Grey : during the passage from London to Brisbane, 1864 / edited by George Grimley.  William Fairfax, printer and publisher Brisbane  1864


The State Library of Queensland provides the following guides relating to passengers, immigration and shipping:

Not sure where to start?