Leichhardts grave : an elegiac ode

Nathan, Isaac. & Lynd, Robert.  1845,  Leichhardt's grave [music] : an elegiac ode ... / poet Robert Lynd ; composer I. Nathan < >


Ashley, Robert William P. & R. A. Research.  1999, Darwin's old cemeteries / Robert W.P. Ashley Wendouree, Vic.

Genealogical Society of the Northern Territory.  1988, Northern Territory's Palmerston cemetery and some of its occupants Genealogical Society of the Northern Territory [Winnellie, N.T.]

How to access Northern Territory cemetery and burial records online and in the Library.


Between 1825 and 1863, the Northern Territory was formerly part of the colony of New South Wales. In 1863 it was annexed to South Australia.

The Northern Territory was formally established as a separate territory from South Australia in 1911. Burials in the region prior to separation would have been recorded under the earlier jurisdictions.

Current cemeteries and crematoria

Details of current cemeteries, crematoria and memorial gardens in the Northern Territory can be located in several ways. These include:

  • Search of municipality, shire or town council websites eg: A search for 'council' and 'darwin' in Google reveals the entry for the City of Darwin. A browse of their website reveals a webpage for Cemeteries under their 'Explore' menu. This page includes links to five current and historic cemeteries.

    Alternatively you can locate an up-to-date list and links to Northern Territory Council websites via the Local Government Association of the Northern Territory website.

    NB: Not all local governments or councils use the same navigation methods, provide relevant information about cemetery facilities or have the means to provide an online searching facility for burials, however their websites are always worth checking if their area of jurisdiction is where your cemetery or burial site of interest is located.

War Graves

The Northern Territory has two official war graves sites, at Adelaide River, south of Darwin and at Alice Springs. The war graves at both locations are maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Websites and pages relating to these include:

In the Library

You may request the following CD-ROM index through the Library's catalogue for access within the Library.

Onsite(CDROM) The Northern Territory (of) Australia Deaths 1824 to 2004

Index of Northern Territory related deaths were extracted from cemeteries registers, headstones, newspapers, probates and police journals. Contains 31,000 records mainly from the NT but some Territorians who died or were buried in other places.

Within the Library you may access the following items in the Newspapers and Family History zone:

Onsite(CDROM) Lone Graves of the Northern Territory of Australia from June 1839 to July 1976

Index of Northern Territory of Australia justice of the peace, special magistrates, barristers, solicitors, practitioners and notaries from 1896 to 1965, compiled from original records held at the Australian Archives, Darwin.
Microfiche Compartment 12; Call number mc N 351

Onsite(CDROM) Anthony Lagoon, Newcastle Waters, Katherine Mortuary, Gardens Rd., Katherine Cemetery

Contains the following records:

--Gardens Road Cemetery 1914-1980
--Index to Anthony Lagoon Police Station mortuary book 1890-1949
--Index to Newcastle Waters Police Station 1893-1931
--Katherine mortuary records 1887-1941
--Katherine cemetery transcriptions data up to 20 July 1982.

Microfiche Compartment 12; Call number mc N 350